the party
SAT. march 29 | 5PM
Clyde's Saloon
733 New Hampshire St, Lawrence, KS 66044
Dress like your favorite Cesar!
KU Football Cesar: simple, easy ‣ ‣ yes.
Cadillac Ranch Cesar: edgy, young ‣ ‣ go for it.
Cooking Cesar: cool ‣ ‣ bring tacos.
Let your imagination run wild!
If KU is playing (fingers crossed) the game will be on.
Young children are welcome until 9 pm.
the party
before the party
FRI. march 28 | 2pm
Cesar & Kara's
3426 W 10th Pl, Lawrence KS 66049
With Cesar's family and friends in town, we'll have a family-friendly hang out out at the house Friday. If the weather is chilly we'll have heaters or tents for plenty of room.
the party
AFTER the party
SUN. march 30 | 2pm
Chris + Candy Schwerdt's
4321 NW Button Pl, Topeka KS 66618
Nurse your hangover with lunch at Kara's parents house.
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